Hurricanes devastate Haiti (9/24/2008)

Dear Friends of Haiti –

I have hesitated to send this letter out, and I’m not sure why. I continue to watch the news reports in the international press and Haitian press after the 4 hurricanes hit the island within 3 weeks time. Maybe you’ve seen them too. The devastation is overwhelming.

Photos were taken by my friend, Ernst Louis, president of the National Federation of Youth for Development. They went last weekend to the town of Cabaret to try to help out. The UN, CARE, the Red Cross and many other international agencies are overwhelmed and under-funded. The need is enormous.

80% of crops were destroyed. Tens of thousands of homes were destroyed – leaving people displaced. And thousands have died already. But more will continue to die due to lack of food and water, and inadequate access to health care. Malaria is rising, along with the usual diarrheal illnesses that come with flooding and filthy water.

I appeal to you to send help. Any amount will do. You can send to CARE or the Red Cross, and indicate it is for Haiti. Or you can send it to YOUTHAITI to continue our work of development including improved agricultural production, reforestation and sanitation. As you can see, the priority list has changed – from sanitation first, to food first.

In addition, we are working with 2 grassroots Haitian organizations who are working on the ground – FNJD (the one mentioned above) or AUMOHD – a human rights organization headed by Evel Fanfan. Both are giving hundreds of hours of volunteer time to people from places like Cabaret and Grand Ravine and the southern part of the country that are not making the news, or the relief supply lines.

$50 buys a bag of rice that can feed 40 people for a day. Another $50 will help buy cooking stoves and charcoal, oil and beans, and water purification so they are not eating just plain white rice from Miami.

I appeal to you to give generously at this time. Haiti will continue to be a country that needs our help, but never so much as now.

YOUTHAITI is dedicated to helping the youth of Haiti have a future. With your help, may it be so.


Gigi Pomerantz
Founder and President

About Gigi

Founder and Executive Director of Youthaiti
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