Rain in Haiti

Dear friends,
I worte a long blog post on another computer and can’t transfer it.  It may not appear until I get back! 
It is Saturday Feb 27, I am sitting in Duchity still, waiting out the rain.  It has been raining on and off for days – in Duchity, along the coast, and in Port au Prince.  I think of all the people living in tents in the mud.  Duchity too has a lot of mud, but people do have houses that are secure.  Many homes have 10 or even 15 people living in them – in 2 or 3 small rooms.  And everyday families are trying to figure out how to provide food for all the extra mouths.
We began a program of agro-ecology training with representatives from the 3 communities in which we work – Duchity, Plenn Maten and Les Caves.  2 great Agronomists made presentations.  Beginning with how to PLAN a garden, or any other project.  Then how to plan a household garden.  The interest was really high.  One young woman shared how she had spend 500 Hatian dollars to plant a garden, and was only able to sell the produce for 300 dollars.  As they learen to plan, hopefully garden production will improve and people will be able to make more money to live and more food to feed their families.
I promise more news soon.  Your continued prayers and support are so appreciated.  We need to help bring attention to the difficulties faced in the the countryside where international attention in lacking.  Our local parteners continue to look for partnerships with other groups to provide santitation and agricultural training..  It is important to ecnourage decentralization of all programs including education, agricultural development, electricity distribution, clean water, the list is long.
love from Duchity,

About Gigi

Founder and Executive Director of Youthaiti
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