The first week of March in Haiti is an exciting time – Carnival!
Although we are in the countryside and not Port-au-Prince where the really big festivities are happening, we have seen ra-ra bands up and down the roads throughout the countryside. People have taken to the streets in numbers you would not believe!!
We have visited several of our toilet installations and found them in good working order and much appreciated. We continue our youth development work including learning what dreams motivate them. In this way, we hope to work with them in discovering ways to fulfill these dreams. Many dream of communities where everyone has access to sanitation and clean water, everyone has enough to eat and good health. The other focus of our work now is leadership development. We began a leadership development training for our local partners to help build skills in organizational development. This will help us build capacity.
I’m sure many of you wonder how my mother’s visit is going. At an undisclosed age, she is much venerated by the young people we work with. I hope she will share her impressions with you when she returns to Florida on Saturday. But I believe her view of life will never be quite the same.
Internet time is running out, I hope to write more when I am in Port-au-Prince this weekend.
Your ongoing support makes all the difference. I’m looking forward to seeing some of you in May at our dinner and introducing you to our representatives from Haiti.
a bientot (until later)