Youthaiti responds to Haiti Earthquake

Dear friends of YOUTHAITI:

The news of the recent earthquake in Haiti is devastating for all of us. We pray for all of the people of Haiti as we anxiously await word of the health and well being of our partners and their families in Haiti, as well as the several hundred families and whole communities that we directly support through our programs.

We are accepting financial contributions for the immediate relief efforts in Haiti and for the longer rebuilding efforts for the areas of Haiti hit by the earthquake.
The capital city Port-au-Prince and surrounding towns and villages suffered the brunt of the destruction caused by the quake.  Most infrastructure has collapsed.

YOUTHAITI works primarily in more rural parts of the island nation and expects that

many people will leave Port au Prince increasing  the need for relief, sanitation, and food in these areas as well.

Contributions received at this time will be directed at both
Immediate relief efforts and development efforts and will be split equally. Contributions are tax deductible.

YOUTHAITI is a Milwaukee-based charitable organization focused on developing ecological sanitation options and sustainable food
sources through composting toilets, community gardens, and community education.

To make a contribution, to learn more about YOUTHAITI, or to
join our efforts go to

For more information contact Gigi Pomerantz at

News from Haiti has been difficult to get as much communication is cut off.  Fortunately we have heard from our Haitian board member, Marcorel Lisius, who was in Cap Haitian during the earthquake.  However, we have no word yet of the fate of Marcorel’s family in Port-au-Prince or the children at MABO orphanage that his family helps run.  Please put them all in your prayers.  I will try to keep you updated here or on Facebook.  Please join our Facebook group.

Hi all.  It is devastating and I worried for Marcorel and his family.  This event is also a moment to draw more people into the network of folks supporting Haiti .  A thought is that we put out a call for contributions which frames this as a recognition of the immediate need as well as a recognition of the need for long-term infrastructure development such as sustainable sanitation and gardens.  It is very likely that the coming weeks will see thousands of people leave Port au Prince for more rural areas making the increasing the need for toilets and food in these areas. The request could be something like an ask where 50% of contributions made to Youthaiti will be directed towards immediate relief efforts and 50% will be directed to toilets and gardens as need again turns to long-term development.

Just a thought.

GIGI FB  1/14/14

My friend Ernst is alive in Port au Prince My ‘family’ Lisius are all alive and well too!! My children in MABO orphanage are ALL alive and well! Thank God, thank God, thank God!!

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Please EVERYONE pray for Haiti, If you are in Milwaukee area, please contact me to help organize some way to help. I am going down in February.

Gigi FB 1/12
Prayers and worry for all my friends in Haiti and all the people of Haiti who don’t deserve to suffer again so much. Please give to YOUTHAITI for our recovery effort, or whatever organization you know of that does disaster recovery work.

About Gigi

Founder and Executive Director of Youthaiti
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